Would You Like to Donate?

Donations are a great way to give back to your community. When you donate to SJC Outreach Committee your money goes directly into helping the community across four key areas: Mental Support, Physical Support, Emotional Support, and Financial Support. 


Donate to our Disaster Relief Fund

Donate to our Annual Thanksgiving Feast


All Platinum donors will receive their own personal sign at the event. You will also receive free radio, newspaper, and t-shirt recognitions. You will also receive a tax deduction letter. 


All Gold donors will have their name posted on the event donation banner – Gold Level. You will also receive free newspaper and t-shirt recognition. You will also receive a tax deduction letter.


All Silver donors will have their name posted on the event donation banner – Silver Level. You will also receive a tax deduction letter.


All Bronze donors will have their name posted on the event donation banner – Bronze Level. You will also receive a tax deduction letter.


All Contributor donors will have their name posted on the event donation banner.

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Donation Total: $2,000.00